Presidential Horror

As reported in Locus and at File 770…I am now officially the President-Elect of the Horror Writers Association. None of this was ever meant to happen, yet somehow everything I’ve done professionally put me on the trajectory I now find myself on. My gratitude to the voting membership is overwhelming.

One odd side note, beyond the honor and responsibility of being put in a position to lead such a vibrant writers’ organization, is that in the four decades of its existence I’m the first Black person to do so. The feeling that it was happening, and that I was the one doing it, was surreal for a minute there. Okay, Maybe more than a minute.

The number of authors and editors who, on learning of this, either pledged to rejoin the HWA or have already done so is heartening. I understand the urge to leave a group that you don’t feel—for whatever reason—has your back, and I thought I’d have to lay a lot of groundwork before winning people back. Now that effort will instead be put into working with the rest of the organization to ensure membership lives up to expectations, and continue the impressive work already underway to bring in even more members.

On that note, I’ll be returning to my spreadsheet of comments, suggestions, and concerns generous contributed by both members and nonmembers alike during my campaign. While I do have my own thoughts about goals for the organization, my belief is that my work for the HWA should be guided by what members feel they would most benefit from.

These notes have all been sorted though and have been broken down into short term and long term solutions. While I can’t guarantee the board, committees, and volunteers will be able to address or implement every suggestion, I have put together a 100-day plan drawn from public input.

A 100-day plan? Like in the White House? It started as a joke with me, but after I said it, I realized…wow, there are so many moving parts at play here that I’ll have to have that kind of plan if I want to stay afloat! Part of this process will be establishing office hours when the membership can interact with me on a regular basis once I’m in office.

Until then, President John Palisano remains at the helm and I wish him all the best in wrapping  up his tenure. His hand has been involved in so many of the advancements by the HWA over the last decade, as a volunteer and Vice President and, of course, in his current position. I’ll miss his presence at this level, but at the same time I’m looking forward to reading more of his writing now that he’ll be free to focus on his career.

My thanks to the membership, and to the hardworking volunteers and administrators who made the election possible.

As a reminder, we find ourselves in the midst of our national voting season here in the United States so I urge everyone who can to vote, and please be kind to the volunteers operating our polling places across the country.

Thank you!

Come With Me to…The Realm

Have you heard of the award-winning author named L. Marie Wood? She’s got a new novel about to drop just before Halloween. You can grab the pre-order at my Amazon affiliate link or keep reading for more info!

About the Book

You thought you were dead.

Waking up and looking all around you, you realize all you learned about The Afterlife was a fantasy. You don’t know where you are, but you do know it’s not a pleasant or suitable place. You need to run. Hard and fast.

Eventually, you meet others doomed to live in this terrifying Realm with you. Here are gathered the newly dead from all over the universe. A formidable race of giant beasts hunts them. The likes of which have never been seen by those in the living world. This place is like nothing you ever learned about in life — neither Heaven nor Hell, neither Purgatory nor Sheol.You encounter clusters of people huddled together for safety. You’re a lone wolf – they don’t trust you, nor you them. Perhaps with good reason.

Patrick is key to the future of The Realm. He must right old wrongs and fight against all the terrors it has in store. He must fight to save his family and, most importantly, all of his descendants. His revelations will impact the living world, as well as what comes next.

Patrick is the future of humanity.

Can he succeed?

The Trailer

Buy the Book

Get your pre-order today at!

About the Author

L. Marie Wood is an award-winning author and screenwriter. She is the recipient of the Golden Stake Award for her novel The Promise Keeper and the Harold L. Brown Award for her screenplay Home Party. Her short story, “The Ever After” is part of the Bram Stoker Award Finalist anthology Sycorax’s Daughters. She was recognized in The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, Vol.15 and as one of the 100+ Black Women in Horror Fiction. Active in the horror community, Wood is an officer in Diverse Writers and Artists of Speculative Fiction (DWASF). For more, visit her website at Eric Battle has been a top-notch illustrator for over 20 years. Born and raised in Philadelphia, knew he wanted to draw comic books the first time he laid eyes on one. Brightly-colored with action-packed adventure…the comic book world was for him. After graduating from Philadelphia’s University of the Arts, Eric got his start doing pen & ink illustrations for the Philadelphia Inquirer and other city papers. From there, Eric went on to do interactive exhibits and displays at the Philadelphia Please Touch Museum, children’s books, horror books and, of course, comic books.

National Dark Poetry Day

Did you know October 7 is National Dark Poetry Day? Not -so-coincidentally it is also the date Edgar Allen Poe died. I’m pleased to finally announce that Raw Dog Screaming Press can finally offer Steve Archer’s collaboration with Poe, a fine art edition of “The Masque of the Red Death,” after two years of hard work by both Steven and Jennifer Barnes, the driving force behind RDSP. The cover of this post is just a sample of Steven’s artwork from the book’s interior. Here’s more about the book:

ebook coming December 9 • paperback January 13 Preorder price includes a $2 discount, all copies shipped in the US will come signed by the artist.

Edgar Allan Poe wrote “The Masque of the Red Death” nearly 180 years ago, yet its narrative and characters continue to mystify and captivate. The short story is driven by Prince Prospero’s attempt to evade the “Red Death” a fatal plague infecting his kingdom, by hiding in his abbey, where he indulges in pleasures and delights with other nobles. He soon finds out that no one can escape their end.

Steven Archer has recast the characters of The Masque and illuminated the narrative in a novel and perhaps more visceral light, that remains true to the raw darkness and decadence of the tale. His modern take on the classic story brings it into our new infected world. Perhaps it was prescience that drove him to create the illustrations in 2018 only to have them see the plague-filled light of day in 2020. Even now in our enlightened and modern world, “Darkness and Decay and the Red Death holds illimitable dominion over all.”

Preorder The Masque of the Red Death here!

With a foreword by John Langan (The Wide Carnivorous Sky), this is an immersive visual feast that breathes new life into this classic memento mori tale of disease, decadence, and inevitable mortality.

Beyond that announcement, let’s ruminate on dark poetry and this day dedicated to it. I’ve curated a starter’s guide to dark poetry in this online poetry store, including work from some of the best horror poets working today.

Interested parties were contacting me about my own poetry today, so I’m including some links below where you can read my articles and interviews on the subject or read my poetry directly. To read more about National Dark Poetry Day you can explore the full announcement from the Horror Writers Association.

Quick Links to My Dark Poetry Online

A short film based on my poem “Where the Heart Isn’t, directed by Jayson Densman, can be found here.

Here’s some of my poetry at Hook of a Book.

My performance of “Burning Sylvia Plath’s Bra” can be found here.

My article “I Don’t Like Poetry” is available in Marge Simon’s column Blood & Spades.

I read “Why the Big Cat’s Eyes are So Pretty” in this video.

Back in 2012 Gabino Iglesias interviewed me about poetry for Black Heart Magazine.

In this video I discuss three great things about poetry.

My article for Diverse Writers and Artists of Speculative Fiction, “Self-Mutilation: Strategies for Terrifying Yourself to Create Successful Horror Poetry” provides thoughts on how to jump-start your horror poetry writing.

The Well Read Beard reviews my third poetry collection, The Plague Factory, in this video.

The late Stephen M. Wilson conducted this interview with me about poetry for Doorways Magazine.

Here I read a mix of material from SuiPsalms and Wholesome Terror.

In Decibel Magazine’s Tales From the Metalnomicon I discuss the connection between poetry and music for me.

Author Fred Shrum performs a piece from The Troublesome Amputee, “From London to Wall Street.”

Not my poetry, but the Women in Horror Poetry online reading I hosted featured Donna Lynch, Erin Al-Mehairi, and Stephanie M. Wytovich.

David E. Cowan interviewed me, along with the rest of the editorial team at Raw Dog Screaming Press, on the subject of horror poetry for the Horror Writers Association.

My most recent poetry publication is in Chosen Realities, which includes two excerpts from my forthcoming Bibliophobia collection.


When I perform a solo reading, and we get to audience Q&A afterward, instead of telling the audience what to read I prefer to ask the audience what they have been reading instead.

So: what have you been reading? Who are your favorite poets? What’s your favorite poem or poetry collection? Please let me, or my readers, know in the comments! Thank you.

Help Us Raise Money For Charity Tonight!

The horror-themed charity even Scares That Care has gone virtual to keep its audience safe in 2020, meaning even more people can take part and help people with their medical necessities.

You can be part of it today, and you can do so free of charge!

See the schedule at their site, linked below. You’ll be able to find me participating as part of the Bizarro Horror panel from 8:00 p.m. EST to 8:30 p.m. EST alongside Andersen Prunty, Rose O’Keefe, Michael Alan Rose, and Scott Cole (moderator). We will discuss surrealism and the supernatural in horror fiction and film.

From the Scares That Care site:

100% of the money raised during this one-day event will go to our 2020 recipients. They are:

*Ashley Adams and her daughter Natalya, who has Marfan Syndrome.
*Laura, a breast cancer warrior known for her work in Arkansas’s LGBTQ+ community.
*Patricia, who suffered second and third degree burns to the entire right side of her body.

The Scares That Care Virtual Convention will be simultaneously livestreamed via the Brian Keene YouTube Page and the Scares That Care website, and is accessible to the general public.

Full details can be found at

Extra Halloween Seasoning

Extra Halloween Seasoning For Your Summer: A Trick-Or-Treat Stop In The Halloween Season Cover Reveal

How excited do you get for Halloween?

For me it is a time of nostalgia, and fun, and personal expression, and sharing.

Although it isn’t time to grab your costume and candy just yet today does bring all those feelings together for me. Why?

Because as co-founder of Raw Dog Screaming Press it’s been a distinct thrill to publish Lucy A. Snyder’s acclaimed short stories collections repeatedly over the years — despite the fact that all credit goes to Lucy and my partner in crime, Jennifer, who is the driving force behind the previous three titles.

Now we are pleased to reveal the cover for our fourth collaboration with Lucy, this time featuring art by renowned cover artist Lynne Hansen. I first met Lynne at the World Horror Convention 2005, in New York City, and have been lucky to call her a friend since then. When I first spoke with Lucy we were at a reading in Massillon, Ohio in early 2010, and it was a great time.

This project brings together 25 years of relationship experience between myself and the artists. Often things are rushed in the publishing scene, with people looking at each other like walking ATMs and demanding instant career gratification — not unlike the kid who doesn’t dress up, doesn’t go door to door, and just clobbers smaller children to snatch candy without making any Halloween memories of their own.

You’ll frequently see many of the most acclaimed professionals in the scene are patient and wait for opportunities to line up organically.

People always ask me how we end up publishing so many books that get high-profile recognition, and I always tell them we’re just lucky to work with so many high-quality people. That’s the case again this time with Halloween Season. Here’s the cover, and below that you’ll find details about the book — and our special trick-or-treat giveaway!

~Halloween Season launches October 5th but you can preorder now~
Order from RDSPOrder from Barnes & NobleOrder from Amazon

About the Book

Halloween is the most wonderful part of the year for many of us. For dedicated fans, the season begins when the leaves start turning autumn colors and doesn’t finish until Hallowtide ends in November. With it comes a whole lot of fun: scary movies and stories, haunted houses, seasonal sweets, spooky decorations, costume parties, and of course trick or treat. But Halloween is also a deeply spiritual time for some; it’s an opportunity to remember and honor loved ones who have passed on.

Master storyteller Lucy A. Snyder has filled her cauldron with everything that Halloween means to her and distilled it into a spell-binding volume of stories. Within these pages you’ll find thrills and chills, hilarity and horrors, the sweet and the naughty.

One of the best things about Halloween is you don’t have to be yourself. So go ahead and try on a new mask or two … you may discover hidden talents as a witch, a pirate, a space voyager, a zombie fighter, or even an elf. This is the perfect collection to celebrate the season of the dead or to summon those heady autumn vibes whenever you like. You may even find a couple of tales that evoke a certain winter holiday that keeps trying to crowd in on the fun.

In the worlds within this book, every day is Halloween!

Your Treat

In 2019 I was the author selected to compose work to accompany Deena Warner’s art on a limited edition Halloween card. Presented below is the poem, “Autumnal Armistice,” and if you are one of our lucky trick-or-treaters you’ll receive a copy of the limited edition card, which comes with a link to the downloadable, printable game that accompanies the art! (While supplies last.)

Autumnal Armistice

A card, a game, a promise of something sweet.
Darkness came early this Halloween, his treats
turned into tricks, fate’s curtain drawn
to a close. Catching cooties with the sound
of crickets all around, or the crunch of
candy wrappers underfoot, or dead leaves
crumbling under the rheumy gaze of faded
stars, and that familiar earthy smell
of harvests past their prime, decay in full
bloom settling into the senses. Moss covered
pathways into darkness, replacing the walls
of their room, hinting at the tranquil
embrace of what awaited them beyond.

Figures loomed among the branches waiting,
watching, held upright by buoyant dread
circulating through withered limbs. They knew
what the children could not: that this
tableau was merely a glimpse, more than
just a witching hour, but the preview of
a hexed childhood, a cursed life. Layers would
grow and harden over their true selves,
trapped, screaming unheard, passengers in
a flesh machine gone off the rails, alone
in a crowded forest of limbs and blight just
like them. He looked to her in fear, but found
not so much peace as cessation in her gaze.

Her mask became her truth.

Trick or Treat!

To receive your promo pack email your address to us at Unfortunately, we can only send promo packs to US addresses so we’ve also put together a printable download for anyone outside the US.

Thanks for participating in our trick or treat cover reveal! RDSP is offering a postcard promo pack that will include a sticker and at least 2 postcards.

More Treats

Visit all the houses on the block to collect all the treats. Here are the current stops and treats.

About the Artist

Lynne Hansen is a horror artist who specializes in book covers. She has 19 years of book marketing and promotion experience, including serving for six years as senior editor for a small press publishing company. Lynne’s clients include Cemetery Dance Publications, Thunderstorm Books, and Bloodshot Books, as well as folks like New York Times bestselling authors Christopher Golden, Rick Hautala, and Thomas E. Sniegoski. For samples of her work for them and other fantastic authors like Jeff Strand, James A. Moore, Owl Goingback, Amber Benson, Peter Atkins, Lisa Morton, and many more.

About the Author

Lucy A. Snyder is the five-time Bram Stoker Award-winning and Shirley Jackson Award-nominated author of over 100 published short stories and 14 books. Chaosium will release her novel The Girl With the Star-Stained Soulsometime in 2021. She also wrote the novels Spellbent, Shotgun Sorceress, and Switchblade Goddess, the nonfiction book Shooting Yourself in the Head for Fun and Profit: A Writer’s Survival Guide, and the collections Garden of Eldritch Delights, While the Black Stars Burn, Soft Apocalypses, Orchid Carousals, Sparks and Shadows, Chimeric Machines, and Installing Linux on a Dead Badger. Her writing has been translated into French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Czech, and Japanese editions and has appeared in publications such as Asimov’s Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, Nightmare Magazine, Pseudopod, Strange Horizons, and Best Horror of the Year.

With Michael Bailey, Lucy also co-edited the critically-acclaimed collaborative dark fiction anthology Chiral Mad 4. When she’s not writing, she’s faculty in Seton Hill University’s MFA program in Writing Popular Fiction and also works as a freelance developmental editor in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. You can learn more about her at and you can follow her on Twitter at @LucyASnyder.

Poetry Series: The Troublesome Amputee by John Edward Lawson

Check out this new review of my fourth poetry collection, The Troublesome Amputee!

Brennan LaFaro

I’m still new to the poetry scene and Raw Dog Screaming has been a beacon of light helping me navigate the waters. John Edward Lawson’s 2006 collection, The Troublesome Amputee, doesn’t quite fit with any poetry I’ve read or reviewed before. To be fair, if the title and cover art didn’t get across the possibilities for what you’re about to immerse yourself in, Michael Arnzen’s introduction would likely do the trick.

The pieces in Lawson’s collection comes in all shapes and sizes, categorized mainly as dark poetry that employs some more traditional aspects, but also gets experimental in other places. The Troublesome Amputee even has limericks. I read between five and ten poems a day as I took my time wading through this collection, and quickly found that each day, each exploration held something new for me.

A reader might find themselves enveloped in social commentary. Turn the page. Grisly…

View original post 270 more words

Dark & Fantastic Art Giveaway and December Events

My behavior online has probably been confusing since midsummer. I’ve always dabbled in photography, especially as part of my social media presence, and in recent years I’ve been open about my enrollment in photography courses, and tested public opinion about whether people would want photography products from me. Then when I finally launched a photography art store this summer I stopped posting new pics, didn’t update or link to the store, and stopped talking about photography in general.

The good news: I’m making new packages available, offering steep discounts, and back to promoting my photography regularly! In fact I’ve just launched a giveaway for the featured photo on this page, “A Portrait of New Orleans Under Darkness,” and written up a blog on my photography site about how the giveaway works. I’ll give you the links in a moment. But first, an explanation about why things have gone this way.

The bad news: although public support on social media was outstanding when I launched the store, somebody who has known me for decades said things behind the scenes that nearly convinced me to give up. I was told:

  • This photography thing is a waste of my money and effort…
  • Nobody will buy it…
  • I won’t stick with it so it’s pointless…
  • My work is good, but not good enough for this…
  • And much more.

In the past I’ve given credence to this kind of browbeating and derailed my efforts because of it, whether the pursuit involved was related to music, photography, my writing, or even traditional employment. But you know what? I’m going to stick it out. The response I’ve received from everyone else around the world convinces me what I’m doing can have value for the community, so I’ll try to deliver more of it.

This is the first time in months I’ve updated the photo galleries, other than to add pictures based on specific requests received via social media. I’m excited, and grateful, about having this chance to share more work with you.

For the giveaway post at my photography site, with the discount code, please visit

You can find the full giveaway rules at

Enter the giveaway directly at — and get extra entries using the sharing buttons!

Now that the contest is out of the way, let’s get you into some fun events with the info below…

“Solitude Doesn’t Have to Mean Desolation” taken at Broadkill Beach ©2019

Your December Events Schedule

We’re doing a series of beta tests for our AllAccessCon online event system, and an in-person writing retreat. The first two, an ethics webinar and a broadcast from our November writing retreat, were successful and provided excellent firsthand knowledge of operating our event system. Here all the details for our next two:

This Wednesday December 4 at 1 p.m. you can tune in for the next ethics in publishing webinar for a discussion of the industry’s culture of harassment at This is a FREE event. If anybody is interested in joining me live onscreen, or with a prerecorded video, or by contributing unattributed anonymous quotes about their own experiences via email or direct message, please contact me privately. Thanks!

Then, from Friday December 13 through Sunday December 15 come to the beach with us! You can participate in the Broadkill Writers Resort December writing retreat in person on online. This month we’ll be expand our focus from just writing productivity to include short stories, how to get an agent, and what the traditional publishing experience is like. This is a paid event. Here’s how to be part of it, and what you get for your money:

In person: Amenities include breakfast, snacks, beverages, all downloads available to online attendees, access to online sessions and recordings, extensive library of books and videos, shared kitchen, pristine and inspiring environment in protected nature reserve area, round-the-clock access to on-site Broadkill instructor John Edward Lawson, and plenty of free writing time. Two rooms are still available at

Online: basic retreat membership is $47 for the weekend, and VIP membership is $97. All members receive productivity planners, access to presentations on writing and publicity, networking opportunities, participation in “ask me anything” sessions, and access to our vendors in the online expo area. VIP members will have permanent access to session recordings and receive our bundle of nonfiction guides to writing, genre, and life as an author (Architectures of Possibility by Lance Olsen and Trevor Dodge, Horror Isn’t a 4-Letter Word by Matthew Warner, How to Read by Eckhard Gerdes, Monstrous Creatures by Jeff VanderMeer). Special guest speakers to be announced. Tickets are available at

Reminder: those who contribute to our AllAccessCon campaign receive either basic or VIP membership FOR LIFE, depending on their contribution level, for all of our public online events (notwithstanding restrictions on certain online events operated in conjunction with business partners). That includes the events listed above! To learn more about AllAccessCon, or contribute to the campaign, visit

AllAccessCon became fully funded in just 12 days, and the campaign is still going strong toward our new goal of an additional $16,000. We’ve also got big announcements in the works for our first live conference event partner, so stay tuned! Until then we hope to see you at our AllAccessCon beta events.

“Darkness Rolling in Over the Wetlands” taken at Broadkill Beach ©2019

All Access

Hey gang, I’m back with an unexpected announcement.

No, it’s nothing bad. In fact it’s good in a big way! I launched a surprise crowdfunding campaign which goes beyond the publishing industry. In just day the campaign is already achieving goals that will make an impact on communities around the world.

Before we discuss that project, though, there’s another important campaign that has entered its final 24 hours: HEADLANDS is a series of short films for an anxious world, developed by some of Aotearoa’s inspiring new film makers in partnership with writers who have lived experience of anxiety. Forty-seven percent of New Zealanders will personally experience mental illness or distress in their lifetime, so this is a significant opportunity to shift perceptions and build community around mental wellbeing. We invite you to support Team HEADLANDS, enabling the film makers and writers to work on treatments and scripts so that the films are ready to go into production next year.

Please visit and give them the support they need.

The Body Shop is a match donor for HEADLANDS. They will match your contributions up to the value of $7500.

Donations qualify for a tax credit. NZ income earners qualify for a 33% tax credit on their donations from the IRD with a receipt automatically provided by The Arts Foundation (as The Arts Foundation is a registered charity) for any donation made.

On top of that, if you’re in the United States, your dollars will go one third further. The HEADLANDS project came to my attention through Lee Murray, the most awarded author of speculative fiction in New Zealand. She is one of the writers who will be featured in the project. A lot of you know Lee from interactions on social media. Please consider supporting her, and everybody else associated with the HEADLANDS project at


For the last four years I’ve had a goal of branching into running online events that mirror in-person events, from conventions to workshops to trade shows or networking events or academic conferences and beyond. Something virtual but with vendors and speakers and interaction and sponsors, like you would expect to find in a convention center.

This last week the chance to acquire a tech platform capable of handing all that came up, but the pricing plan we can afford it at goes away tomorrow. It’s almost in reach, but considering that time frame I turned to crowdfunding to make it happen. Last night, just before midnight, we went live with AllAccessCon on Indiegogo.

Sci-Fi and Scary: Sci-Fi and Horror Reviews, News, and More gives a detailed overview of the campaign at In it the site founders, Lilyn and Gracie, give opinions on why AllAccessCon has appeal, and what role it can play in the scene. They were generous enough to give me the chance to add some context for how I came to organize the campaign.

Please take a moment to read the Sci-Fi and Scary article, then consider contributing to AllAccessCon or sharing it with others. Thank you!

Donate now by clicking the image above

Special Events This Week!

My big project this week might be a little unexpected, but…I’m launching a weekly webinar series.

Red Flags Checklist

This free workbook will be available to all attendees of the Red Flags: What to Watch Out For in the Publishing Industry webinar.

It’s full of resources, tips, and the dirty tricks people will try to pull on you. Reserve your copy now by registering for the webinar at

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of all the scandals in publishing, in particular, the small press genre scene. It seems every year there are bad actors in the small press ruining careers. To this end, I’ve put together a presentation to help others how to not wave a white flag in the face of all the red flags we encounter as publishing professionals.

Join me this Friday at 1 p.m. as I discuss what I’ve experienced as both an author and a publisher, and take questions from an online audience. What I’ll be talking about is not a sales pitch, it’s just free content geared toward keeping the publishing scene as viable and nontoxic as possible.

So, where do you enter the picture? The simple fact is I’m trying to reach as many people as possible with this free workshop. If you could, please share the link with anyone you suspect might benefit from it. And, I’d love to see you participate as well 🙂

Thank you! I’ve added a retailer discount, link to my free book, survey for you to direct my publishing efforts, a free in-person event where you can meet me, and links to read my most recent work free of charge below to help compensate you for your support.

Concerned about how unethical behavior might impact your career in publishing? Join this free webinar for a frank discussion and free resources! #Ethics

Other Events

The Business of Publishing: Genre Fiction
With Sarah Pinsker, K.M. Szpara, and Dave Ring
Join me for a panel discussion at the Enoch Pratt Free Library on Saturday, November 16 from 1-3 p.m. Free admission, registration required. For more information visit:

Write at the Beach

Several writing retreats are lined up at Broadkill Writers Resort! Space is still available at

Invading Atlanta

I have the pleasure of participating in the inaugural Multiverse convention! The team is loaded with people I know and admire, who have been involved in other successful and major events in the past. Here’s their statement from

WHO ARE WE? We’re a community of science fiction & fantasy fans who love to get together with our friends and nerd out over the things we love. We love great stories: stories of the supernatural, the fantastic, the futuristic, the heroic and weird and wonderful. Science fiction, comics, fantasy fiction, games, fantastical art, horror fiction, steampunk – great stories come in all forms, and at Multiverse, we celebrate them all!

WHY DO WE DO THIS? Because great stories don’t only come from books and comics. Every fan is their own universe with their own unique story to tell, and added together, those stories make up the Multiverse of fandom. We created Multiverse Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention to bring fans together for a weekend of geeky fun in a place where everyone is welcomed, respected, and appreciated. We hope you’ll join us!

First things first: check out the Multiverse online store to download your FREE mobile wallpaper at!

Done that? Okay! On to the various opportunities for you to connect with me in Atlanta. In addition to lurking in various public spaces you can count on me being at:

Flash Your Fiction: How Short Can You Go?
(Friday October 18, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Sinclair Amphitheater)
Don’t know what flash fiction is? You’re about to find out! We’ll spend a few minutes talking about what flash fiction is and isn’t, markets for flash fiction, and how to do it well. Then you get to give our panelists topics, characters, and conflicts and they’ll keep you entertained with flash fiction on the spot! Featuring Robby Hilliard, John Edward Lawson, Melissa McArthur, and James Nettles

The Virtue of Villains
(Friday October 18 10:00-11:00 p.m. Harding)
Who is your favorite villain? A member of the Forsaken? Ring Wraiths? Voldemort? Killmonger? Let talk about villains in fantasy. What makes a good villain? Have you ever rooted for one? What do you love or hate in a fantasy villain? Featuring Dana Cameron, Preeti Chhibber, John G. Hartness, and John Edward Lawson.

Digital Immortality
(Saturday October 19 11:30-12:30 p.m. Rabun)
Artificial intelligence. Biotech hackers. Cybernetic organisms. Digital immortality. Exocortex systems. First contact. Galactic empires. Hive minds. Interstellar travel. Whew! There’s SO MUCH to talk about in science fiction, we can’t fit it all into one weekend…but we’re going to try! Featuring Milton J. Davis, Scott Hawkins, John Edward Lawson, Havana Nguyen, and Alyse Steves.

Publishing Q&A
(Saturday October 19 10:00-11:00 a.m. Sinclair Amphitheater):
Confused about whether to submit to traditional publishers or indie pub your own work? Unsure how publishing works? Have questions about how to be a successful indie author? This is an open Q&A with publishers and authors designed to get your questions answered! Featuring John G. Hartness, John Edward Lawson, Catherine Lundoff, Terry Maggert, Margaret S. McGraw, and Christopher Morgan.

Not Just Zombies presentation by John Edward Lawson
Zombies as a Racial Proxy: From Xenophobia to an Egalitarian Apocalypse
(Saturday October 19 4:00-5:00 p.m. Lanier)
Citing specific works of art, criticism, and fan reactions I will track not only how zombies became used as a proxy for non-whites in film, games, and books — permitting a colonizer worldview to stealthily flourish over the last five decades — I will explore the various ways in which the zombie genre informs and is informed by nationalist tendencies post-9/11. The various racial menaces central to cinema throughout the 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 60s did not die…not completely. They are undead and shambling through mainstream entertainment with the same unspoken tribal coordination and covetousness of white life and/or property as ever.

Pushing the Envelope: Religion, Politics, and More in Horror Fiction
(Sunday October 20 1:00-2:00 p.m. Ogeechee)
A discussion on how horror can be used as a tool for change. Is there such a thing as a strategic antagonist? How do you like your horror? Does mixing social context with your fiction work for you? Featuring Tiara Janté, Valjeanne Jeffers, John Edward Lawson, and E.J. Stevens.

If you haven’t gotten tickets yet you can still purchase them here: I look forward to seeing you there!

Dining at Agave in Lewes with the Broadkill Writers Resort group

Another group was hanging out with me at a writers retreat this past weekend. I’ve spent the past few days at the Broadkill Writers Resort with authors, editors, and publishers of magic realism, science fiction adventure, and feminist speculative fiction.

Many thanks to Jason Jack Miller and Heidi Ruby Miller for capturing me in my natural environment! If you look hard you can catch me foraging along Delaware Bay…but only at the best places, like Agave restaurant in Lewes.

If you join us for artist retreats at Broadkill Writers Resort we provide breakfast, snacks, beverages, and help plan excursions. Nature supplies the pristine nature preserve and beach surrounding the property. All you have to do is join us and supply the creativity.

We have several more retreats scheduled. Want to know how to get involved? Send me an email at john (at) or leave a comment for details!

Author Lee Murray

Speaking of hanging out with authors…I’m lucky to know a few around the world, and would like to connect you with them. What if New Zealand’s most awarded speculative fiction author, Lee Murray, were to visit the United States? I’m fielding ideas or offers for events Lee could take part in. As both and author and editor Lee specializes in the subjects of science fiction, fantasy, and horror for adults and middle grade readers.

If you’re not familiar with her work now is a good time to become acquainted with her. The first two entries in Lee’s Path of Ra trilogy we’ve published at Raw Dog Screaming Press, co-authored with Dan Rabarts, are available for a discount while supplies last! Grab Hounds of the Underworld at and Teeth of the Wolf for just $4.90 at! These supernatural thrillers are perfect for the Halloween season.

The above are affiliate links, meaning I receive a small portion of whatever purchases are made after people click through those links.

Are you ready to enhance your reputation as a cool gift giver in your circle of friends? Now that the holiday season is upon us I’ve added multiple gift sets to my photography site. My favorite is the culinary set featuring customized cutting boards, mugs, coasters, and more. Simply select a photo from the portfolio section and click the VISIT SHOP button that comes up next to it. There you’ll find options for the holiday gift card set deals, fantastic gourmet package, and also my steeply discounted regular gift set.

Get ready to wear sunglasses and bask in neon after ordering my photos

Or, if you’re a photography fanatic and want to set up your own online shop for the holidays, or maybe just want to offer friends and family professional quality photo gifts, sign up with this referral code to save 10% when you join Zenfolio: 9S4-12T-GJR (and if you have any questions about how Zenfolio works just ask me!).

In my last blog post I promised a free gift. Are you ready? Okay. Playing the Long Game, originally published in Fiction International, will be given as a free download to all subscribers of my author newsletter. Not a subscriber? No worries. The newsletter won’t go out until later this week so you still have time to sign up.

Read the details at this link, and if it all sounds good to you please do subscribe after visiting Thank you!

In my next update watch for a review of my fiction, more about my photography, music updates, and maybe a contest.