Award Honorable Mention


I, along with a number of other authors, received some very good news recently. The final ballot for the Wonderland Book Award has been announced. I did not quite make it onto the final ballot, but my collection, Paramourn: Unfortunate Romances, was one of only six books to receive honorable mention. The details on the award voting process, and the full ballot, are below.

Wonderland Book Award – Final Ballot 2015
Preliminary voting has ended and the final ballot has been determined. Here are the nominations for this year’s Wonderland Book Awards:

American Monster by J.S. Breukelaar
Dodgeball High by Bradley Sands
Dungeons & Drag Queens by M.P. Johnson
Hungry Bug by Carlton Mellick III
Pus Junkies by Shane McKenzie

I Like Turtles: The Collected Flashes of G. Arthur Brown
 by G. Arthur Brown
I’ll Fuck Anything that Moves and Stephen Hawking by Violet LeVoit
Misery Death and Everything Depressing by C.V. Hunt
Murder Stories for your Brain Piece by Kevin Strange
Stranger Danger by Kevin Strange and Danger Slater

We’d like to give honorable mentions to the titles that came close to placing on the final ballot. These titles are:
The Last Horror Novel In The History of the World by Brian Allen Carr, Hell’s Waiting Room by C.V Hunt, Hearers of the Constant Hum by William Pauley III, Our Blood In Its Blind Circuit by J. David OsborneCreep House by Andersen Prunty and Paramourn by John Edward Lawson.

Voting ends October 31st. Only BizarroCon attendees are eligible to vote. Send your votes (one per category) to

The Wonderland Book Awards for excellence in Bizarro Fiction are presented annually at BizarroCon in Portland, OR.
To register for BizarroCon 2015 please visit

Catching Up With Andersen Prunty

Author Andersen Prunty

Three years have passed since I last encountered author and editor Andersen Prunty. He’s a good guy and I always enjoy hanging out with him. Thankfully DogCon 2 provided me a chance to do just that! To say he’s always got something going on is an understatement; he’s got 17 books out, and I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an advance copy of his next novel during the revel and rumpus of Saturday night in Columbus, Ohio.

About Andersen Prunty

Andersen Prunty lives in Ohio. He writes novels and short stories. Visit him at

Want to check out his free fiction? Get some now at

About Sociopaths in Love

1sociopathsfrontcoverBoy meets girl. They fall in love. They move in together and start a new life. They’re beautiful and they have new things, expensive things, the best of everything, whatever they want. But that’s only the surface. Beneath the surface is something much different. Something much darker. Theirs is a love like no other and only one of them will survive it.

Available October 2013!

About Fill the Grand Canyon and Live Forever

Social networks can be used for a number of things such as finding out what friends and family members are up to, trying to get girls to take their clothes off on camera, raising awareness, and organizing protests, revolutions, and relief efforts. But what if one man decided to use a social network for one of the most idiotic causes in human history? Join the hopeless and brain damaged Andy Boring in his quest to FILL THE GRAND CANYON AND LIVE FOREVER!!!

Purchase Fill the Grand Canyon and Live Forever at

About Fuckness

This darkly offbeat novel opens with the narrator, Wallace Black, as the target of the school bully’s violence. After suffering a horrendous beating, Black goes home to his equally abusive family. As a punishment for fighting at school, his mother straps a set of grotesque horns to the top of his head. He is unsure of where the horns came from. They have always been in the house. And they contain a power no one could have expected.

Let Andersen Prunty (ZEROSTRATA, MORNING IS DEAD, and THE BEARD) guide you through a sometimes hilarious, sometimes violent and terrifying coming-of-age Midwestern gothic novel.

Purchase Fuckness at