Till Lindemann Joins Raw Dog Screaming

Till Lindemann author photoIf you are signed up to receive the Raw Dog Screaming Press newsletter you heard last week that we are publishing On Quiet Nights by internationally renowned writer and performer Till Lindemann. This is our first translation, and Lindemann’s second book of poetry originally published in German. He and his team have been great to work with, as has translator Ehren Fordyce–whose painstaking efforts went above and beyond expectation. If you are familiar with Lindemann’s work as a lyricist for Rammstein and his dramatic theatrical sense in the live arena, you are aware of his unique approach to creative endeavors.

This will be a major release, but even so every author and publishing house rely on preorders. It would be incredible if we could generate enough pre-release sales to finance bringing Lindemann over for events here in the United States. Our DogCon event is coming up around Halloween, and we’re hoping to make it a big one, so who knows? In the meantime every little bit helps. Please consider ordering the book or sharing the preorder page with your friends at http://rawdogscreaming.com/books/quiet-nights/. For more information about On Quiet Nights read below:

Coming May 2015

On Quite Nights book cover

There’s a place inside us that is cloaked in darkness, rubbed raw with silence. It’s a shadow wrapped in a shadow and it screams, but it screams in harsh whispers. This collection explores the blackness within, the gritty underground that hides inside memories and cowers just outside fear. The poems, paired with illustrations from Matthias Matthies work in sync to create a collage of blunt sexuality, masochistic, and sometimes sadistic recollections of love, reflection, and self-exploration.

Lindemann paints pictures with his poems, a slave to the vulnerability and sexuality that drives mankind. His words themselves are body modifications that settle on readers, piercing then slowly penetrating and pumping his audience full with a mix of pleasure and pain. A combination of longing, emotional depth, and bestial intuition, these pieces evoke an innate nature to seek pleasure, to ask for forgiveness, to instill blame.

On Quiet Nights pulls back the curtains at night and asks readers to think about who they are. Lindemann holds a mirror to soul, capturing desire and need, with the courage to answer some of life’s biggest questions: Who am I? What am I? Why am I?

What Are They Saying About On Quiet Nights

“Dripping with contempt, sex, disdain, violence, and melancholic love, Till Lindemann’s poems reveal his vulnerability as much as his vulgarity; his dark humor alongside slivers of heartache. The chaotic energy one might recognize from his music is captured and bound here in simple verses, rhymes—never lost in translation—and perfectly accompanied by Matthias Matthies’ lustful, nightmarish illustrations.”
—Donna Lynch, author of Red Horses and Isabel Burning

“Lindemann writes with a vulnerable sense of awareness as he crafts a collection that is slave to sexuality, reflection, and the exploration of the trinity of man: body, mind, and soul. His poems are puncture wounds, extractions of arousal, despair, and unspoken fantasies, all tied together in a darkly erotic package that questions sanity and answers with madness. I simply can’t recommend it enough.”
–Stephanie M. Wytovich, Bram Stoker award-nominated poet of Hysteria: A Collection of Madness

“Wry and rude, disturbing and droll, schneidend und schonungslos, Till Lindemann’s On Quiet Nights is no tome of quiet reflections. Admirers of the Rammstein frontman’s cynically humorous and gleefully raunchy lyrics will find those qualities in concentrate in these verses drawn straight from his darkly playful id. Lindemann pours blood, sweat, tears, and other bodily fluids into these lines, his yarns of lust, abuse and heartbreak brought to life by Matthias Matthies’s equally twisted illustrations. And yet, ever the trickster, Lindemann sows moments of beauty through the flood of sins, surprise gems like ‘So beautiful’ and ‘Silhouettes’ ensuring readers will never be able to predict what the next page brings.”
—Mike Allen, author of Hungry Constellations, three-time Rhysling Award winner


  1. earnmoremoneymoney says:

    Looks great. Congratulations to all!

    Sally K Witt

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sally!


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